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Empires In Ruins Download No Virus


About This Game The bastard son of 4X and Tower defense (what?!?), with a black humor infused plot, set in a grim, disillusioned world.Empire In Ruins presents a new take at strategy by merging the Tower Defense genre's detailed, recognizable gameplay with elements of Turn-Based Empire Management, in a hybrid never before seen.Conquer, build, defend and lead the grumpy Sgt. Hans Heimer in his own personal vendetta against "the system".KEY FEATURESPlot driven campaign - betrayals, diplomacy and nasty twistsTurn based strategy - quell the rebellion, kick back the enemy and restore the law.Empire management - conquer back the provinces, strengthen your command, chose your best governors and grant your military campaign a steady flow of resourcesArcade play mode. Because... FIGHT!Tower defense-based combat - fight your battles in a new, advanced tower defense style that winks at advanced real time strategyDark humor, dark humor everywhere! - Don't smile, it's punishable.In a corrupted little Principality governed by spruced up popinjays, snobby clergymen and power greedy army officers, something just happened. A god forgotten borderland, the Western Marches, just got inflamed with rebellion, cutting every contact with the capital and declaring independence.And in such a critical moment, who to send in order to quell the rebellion if not a grumpy alcoholic sergeant with discipline problems and bad bad temper?Why him? And what is the neighboring kingdom, the Krovans, plotting to do with the Principality of Koth?Empires in Ruins is composed of two main parts. The turn based Main Map, where the campaign develops and you are called to managed the conquered provinces and the Battlefield, where the real time blood flows and you need to kick the enemy in the arse or be the one kicked.Empires in Ruins whole plot-driven campaign of turn based strategy and empire building, is managed in the main map. Through it you will accessthe single combat maps (according to the plot flow or in order to defend/replay maps), manage diplomacy and access the single province to improve or check their assets and governors.Expand, fortify and expand further taking advantage of the conquered provinces reach and infrastructures.Improve the regions' production, increase the flow of resources to fund your brutal military campaign. Don't expect much help from above.Handle diplomacy - Like a bull in a china shop.Assign trusted men to govern the regions. Expect betrayals or hang them before that.Manage research - More than 100 technologies to research.Battles are fought in real time, using a hybrid of Tower Defense and RTS mechanics. COMBAT MAP FEATURESErect your buildings in real time. Avoid getting your workers killed if they walk the wrong path17 towers with unique featsManage resources in battleCombine the special abilities of your towers to obtain even deadlier effects (Ever tried a flaming arrow on an oil covered enemy?)Manage multiple resources, production and special buildingsDeploy Officers to command and enhance your battlefield forcesBeware of nasty, canny enemies. They will open new unexpected paths, sabotage your towers, blow your production and get through your defenses in surprising ways.Ground, air, water, amphibian and secret enemies paths to defend against.The path to victory is paved with opponents with badly planned research trees. [cit. Gottfried Megler]Few things make progression in a game as interesting as unlocking new technologies to empower your troops, weapons and economies. Provided your hated engineer chief, Gottfried Megler, with the tools to evolve your ragtag army against all odds.70+ technologies to research30+ unlockables with towers, abilities, buildings and headquarters 6d5b4406ea Title: Empires in RuinsGenre: Indie, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:Hammer and RavensPublisher:Hammer and RavensRelease Date: TBA Empires In Ruins Download No Virus empires in ruins gameplay. empire in ruins tower defense game. free empire in ruins. roman empire ruins in spain. roman empire ruins in rome. ruins of empires in frankenstein. in the ruins of empire. in the ruins of empire. in the ruins of empire ronald spector. roman empire ruins in italy. empires in ruins game. empire goodgame ruins. roman empire ruins in germany. roman empire ruins in france. empire ruins secret of mana. empires in ruins. empire of ruins. empires in ruins game. roman empire ruins in france. empire ruins secret of mana. in the ruins of empire ronald spector. ruins of empires in frankenstein. empire goodgame ruins. empire of ruins. empires in ruins gameplay. ruins in the mayan empire. shadowicon empire in ruins. empires in ruins. roman empire ruins in germany. roman empire ruins in spain. an empire in ruins. shadow icon empire in ruins. an empire in ruins. roman empire ruins in rome. empire in ruins tower defense game. shadowicon empire in ruins. free empire in ruins. shadow icon empire in ruins. ruins in the mayan empire. roman empire ruins in italy Empires in Ruins - Cinematic trailer: time has come, the cinematic campaign trailer is here ;) Enjoy!. A new Beta, EGX Rezzed and other news!: Hello everybody, long time to see right?Well, those of you that follow us on Twitter, Facebook[] or on our Discord channel[] are probably up to date, but it's time to bring the whole set of news to our Steam crowd as well!So, we do begin with the new beta, cause that's the big gun we bring out here! EiR Beta v0.85.1[]It includes a lot of fixes, 4 new maps (for a total of 5 battle maps), several visual updates and a taste of the first 4 battle of the campaign. And, with the next beta, not too far away, you will be finally able to also try the 4X component of the game!Ok, this was the first one. Go and download it, we would really really appreciate some feedback on what we are doing and what you like and what not!Then, next one. WE ARE GOING TO EGX REZZED!!!So yes, if you are visiting Rezzed in April, make sure you come and visit us!!What else. Ah well, we have a new illustrator in the team, Giulia, and she is working like crazy to get the intro cutscene remade! And know what? We love the results we're getting!!! the way, do you recognize Heimer's voice? )So, for now that's it, see you soon around guys, don't hesitate to write us!!Cheers,Dr.H, Lead Designer, Developer H&R. Did it ever...: happento you to stop and wonder, in front of a Store page, who's behind a game?We're not talkin about AAA, there it's certaintly a lot more impersonal, but an indie game. Be it a solo developer, or a small team, who are the faces behind your most loved or hated games?Where do they come from? What do they look like?Well, we can't answer for them all, but here's what we look like. Based in Estonia (Tallinn), but coming and scattered from across Europe, here's Hammer&Ravens team, working on Empires in Ruins!If you wanna join us and our community, feel free to visit our Discord channel[] anytime!Cheers and see you soon with more updates!Emiliano, Team Leader. Empires in Ruins playable at EGX in September: First of all, as the title says, we are going to be at EGX with a stand and a playable beta of Empires in Ruins, so if you happen to be around Birmigham in September (20-23rd) don't hesitate to come and visit us! We have quite a few interesting surprises for you!And now some words about EiR Campaign and settings.It’s the year 475 after the fall of the Cassadian Empire in the Young Kingdoms. The focus of our story is the Principality of Koth, a small realm ruled by an imperious aristocracy and the unforgiving clergy of St.Kaer. Conservative and stiff, Koth has spent decades nurturing grudges with its neighbour, the industrialized Kingdom of Krovan.The Western Marches of Koth, the almost lawless region bordering the Krovans is seething. After years of being exploited, abused and taxed, the folks finally rebelled. Armed gangs of farmers, thugs and former soldiers are taking over the guards, burning the villages and hanging the governors.All control from the Kothian Crown and the Prince is lost in the Marches, and while the rebellion explodes, even scarier news reach the Capital. After decades of grudges, Krovan soldiers have been scouted in the Western Marches for the first time. Is this the beginning not only of a civil war, but also of a full fledged invasion?And in such a sensitive unstable situation, who to send in order to quell the rebellion and chase the Krovans back to their polluted gray cities?The reasonable answers to that would be many and varied, but the right one is certainly not one of them. The orders are given, there is no discussing them.The man in charge is Sergeant Hans Heimer, First Sergeant of the 5th Infantry company; a brilliant curriculum including eight assault charges, seven insubordination charges a dependance from cheap brandy and bad cigars, and an awful service roster. Only a fistful of men have been assigned to Heimer. Picked among the worst elements of several companies.Why this choice? Why such an unexpected pick in such a problematic time. Who did it, and why? All these questions and more will unveil (maybe) as the campaign progresses and new players show up for the big show, all handled by Sarge with his legendary tact. What is going to happen, is there going to be a winner at all or the best outcome is simpli to avoid disaster?Now a few words about why and how are probably due. Going back in time to the original design, we did bind even more tightly the plot and the campaign. More tightly in the sense that we made a crazy choice of allowing the player far more freedom in order to branch the outcome of the campaign, in order to pick a lot more answers and decisions. While fascinating and interesting, a beta round in january/february 2017 spoke clearly about the feeling of approximately 40 Anonymous testers: plot is nice, settings is interesting, but strategy players want to talk less and fight more. Lesson learned, and after a bit of re-designing, we picked a new path.The campaign is still fully infused with the plot and the corrupted flavour of the Kothian intrigue and the seething rebellion, but the focus of the game moved further towards management and strategy and a tad away from campaign role playing. And the feedback this far about it has been really good.Player loves memorable characters and a more organic feeling (visiting a research tree with just a UI or visiting a lab where a grumpy chief engineers insults you before you can tell him where to focus his research, is in my opinion quite different, and I obviously like the latter more).So here we are now, getting the dialogs and interactions with other characters in game, through dialogs and UIs. When will you see that at work? Pretty soon, don’t worry about it! So, this was for today, looking forward to update you on the new beta round soon (even though this one will be focused on the battle maps and not much on the story and settings yet)!Cheers,Emiliano, @DokHgn Lead Dev and Designer. Empires in Ruins - Beta FAQs: guys,first of all, thanks to everyone that did play our beta, you guys are providing us an awesome feedback, mostly through the Discord Channel. While we are listing up the bugs reported (luckily very few of them and mostly minor), we are also getting a lot of questions on how to and where to and when to.In these FAQs, I did summarize some of the most asked questions, and I hope that you can find them useful. The game in its current stage can be a bit overwhelming given the high amount of features unlocked right away, so yes, undeniably some of those questions are absolutely reasonable to ask, and we think reasonable to answers as well!You can find the beta at each of these links Download from GameJolt[] Download from IndieDBFAQ1) Which is an ideal starting setup for the battle beta?I usually like to begin a battle with a scout tower near the castle, two guards and one catapult towers covering more or less the main access paths. Later on I do expand my defenses a bit more far from the castle in order to avoid area damage and to distribute a bit better the killing.2) Should I start by building resources building?I strongly advice against that. In the beginning it is more important to have towers and defenses. I usually start with a Lumberjack around wave 4-5 and then i follow up with an Iron Mine in 1-2 waves. Resources are important for higher level upgrades, but defenses are more vital at first. Usually by the end of a map I have 2 lumberjacks, 2 iron mines and 1 quarry built.3) I am always low on gold, how do I make more?The gold is made by killing enemies and skipping waiting time between waves. Using the cool down ability "Loot the corpses" ( icons on the lower left, the first one of the second row) you temporarily increase the amount of gold you get from killing the enemiesThe Temple (the 1st upgrade of the shrine) has a special ability (to be bought manually) that increases by 50% the gold made with kills in the area around it.4) Ballista and Repeating Ballista towers are quite inefficient, how do I use them?These towers can deal really high amounts of damage, but need to be used in a quite technical way otherwise they can be very inefficient. Place them at the end of a long straight leg of the path. Upgrade their range and set a fixed shooting point in front of them, at some point of the straight path. This way they will not waste time shooting enemies in other directions and whenever enemies line up on the killing line, they will damage A LOT of them with a single shot.5) I hate the Sappers, how should I deal with them?Sappers are only dangerous if they get close to your towers, and they are mostly dangerous against base towers made of wood (Scouts, Guards and Catapults). They shoot fiery bombs and when killed cause fire damage all around.The best way to deal with them is through stone-made Crossbow towers (and their upgrades, Repeating Crossbow and Sniper) or through the use of smartly placed artilleries (also catapults) that takes advantage of the towers longe range.6) Flying enemies are causing a lot of damage to my towers and castle when I kill them, what should I do?Don't build your defenses too tightly. Flying enemies arrive for the first time after quite a few waves, take advantage of the scout tower in order to see from where, and build some archery towers along those paths. They will also be useful against ground enemies in their spare time. All the archery towers are good against fliers, but the best compromise quality/price is probably the Composite Bow towers with the ability Aim High (+75% damage to flying enemies) unlocked.7) Can I win the battle without deploying ground soldiers?Yes, you can, but I think that if you do deploy them, specially in the surrounding of the castle, you will have a much higher chance of winning, and also a much higher chance of winning with a perfect score. Each soldier can engage up to 3 ground enemies (beside the Hussar and Tank that are not stoppable) and while their damage is quite low, they are fairly resistant to the enemies attack, providing nearby towers time to kill the invaders.Cheers and hope to hear you soon from you guys!Dr.H - Lead Dev H&R Games. Progress Update, UIs work progressing.: Few things (well, more than few, but these are among the star ones) can make or break a game as easily as the quality of its UIs. Whereas a smart, clean and good looking UI, easy to use and intuitive (and with the proper amount of tooltips and info) can make any boarding and following gaming experience pleasant, the opposite is even more true for badly made UIs.Overwhelm the gamer with heavy-to-read UIs with ugly visuals and clogged layouts, and the chance that he will be quitting pretty soon the game is very high. And it’s almost sure it will happen if the game is a strategy game.While other genres can get away with not-so-good UIs, strategy games definitely can’t. Our very early UIs in Empires were of the ugly kind, even worst if that is possible.At development time, unless you have a UX/UI designer integrated in the team since the beginning, it’s very hard to produce good UIs on the first attempt. The temptation is usually to provide as much information as possible to the player, never realizing that this ends up flooding the information layers and rendering them all uselessly anonymous. Less is more, that is a hard rule to nail for programmers mostly.So now, with the help of a friend that did sketch for us the new layouts, we’re onto remaking the UIs. A few rules of thumb we are adopting in doing that:Less is moreReadable fonts, sharp contrastsWell distinguisheable icons/buttonsUse shapes and styles to let the player familiarize with elementsWider breath in the layouts and elements distributionUse a coherent style even while having several different elements stylesIn the gallery above you can see some WIPs of the new UIs, we will not show the old ones out of shame though.One last thing worth mentioning though, it’s the approach we are taking to the battle maps UIs.Following the whole EiR approach to visuals (pre-rendered 3D to 2D sprites), we are going the same why for the UIs of the battle map. That is, our of the sketches we are modeling 3D UIs, once modeled and ready, we render them out back to 2D textures and use them as such. The last picture above shows a very early example of that, and it shouldn’t take too long before we manage to show you the real deal.Until then, have a blast guys,Ahhh wait! We also just did finish the new Website and Mailing list! Check it outhttp://www.empiresinruins.comCheers,Emiliano, @DokHgn, Lead Dev. The new research system: While during the short and frenetic campaign in the Western Marches a long-term classic 4X-like research system would be out of place, Chief engineer Gottfried Megler will make sure to try and give an edge to our ragtag military forces...Don’t expect social or long-term research like a in classic Civiliazion or Endless Space style, the time span of EiR campaign is far more limited in time, months at best, so those researches would be certainly out of place.Given how badly trained and equipped our initial army is, though, a few upgrades in the military field can only be beneficial. Better bolts, better armors, better buildings. And that’s what EiR’s research system brings to you. Unlock and upgrade your warfare, if you wanna have a chance to make it against enemies superior in number and technology.See you next time!Dr.H, LeadDesigner H&R. Upcoming closed Beta round: guys,we might not be posting every single thing that happens on the steam page, but we're working frantically towards the next beta.The video shows a partial run on the test map, 3-4 enemy units are not shown yet there (i.e. Hussar, Field Medic, Officer and Zeppelin) but they will be in the full beta.Should you be interested in taking part to this next round (we will be testing only the battle map, with the 4X part being in the next beta), it's going to be a 20-25 minutes full battle with all technologies unlocked in order to provide the fullest experience.Please subscribe to our newsletter[] to get an invitation link when the time comesAlso, and this is a small interesting teaser, there will be soon an announcement for a HUGE (believe, HUGE!) giveaway that will require the subscription to the mailing list.Cheers and see you soon guys!Emiliano, @DokHgn. UPDATE: Jumped the gun, back to the blocks!: Ahah we did it, carefully planning and all, then we did set April the 16th as release date even while we deem september or october to be the most realistic time for the release of Empires.So yeah, we went in home page as a game that did release, people did click on the game and still got a "Coming Soon" to welcome them on the page. Sorry for that guys, given that we often work around the clock on Empires, allow us a bit of brain burn once and then!To make it clear, for us quality comes first. Too many stories of too many games rushed and released before it was time. Call us paranoid, call us nitpicky, call us how you like, but that's our approach. Better delayed than crappy.What we are working on right now: Reworking the enemy units animations and memory management system, we save your RAM for darker days ahead Finishing and prepping the intro and outro cutscene including the voice acting (you're gonna get wet when we reveal you the name of our voice actor for the Sarge Finishing map props (map bridges, mines and the snowy missing 5 maps)What can you do now?Follow us, follow us everywhere and chip in with your ideas, feedback, love or insults.Our Discord channel[]EiR on TwitterEiR on Facebook[]That said, I am back to coding, cause we ain't fancy fellas with a PR office :DCan I also leave you a couple of tasty preview pics from the intro here?Cheers,Emiliano, @DokHgn


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